• The future is coming. Ready?


  • Generative AI

    From ChatGPT to Bard, DALLE-3 to Midjourney and thousands of other tools, generative AI is taking the business world by storm. It can improve efficiency, profitablity and save costs as well as be used to create new products, services and processes.

    What are you doing during the AI revolution?

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    Up to speed

    Generative AI is moving fast, so getting up to speed, encouraging adoption and keeping up to date is a challenge. We are here to help. We run workshops at all levels in an organisation and provide executive coaching specifically on generative AI covering:

    • why it is important;
    • how it can be harnessed it to improve performance, output, products and services; and
    • hands-on experience of generative AI tools including Matomico's Prompt Framework.
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    Strategy, governance, ethics

    Generative AI can help you deliver on your overall strategy, but opportunities and risks need to be considered and managed as various routes can be taken.

    • Assessments of AI maturity of your organisation including people, processes and technology;
    • Strategic guidance and AI transformation planning;
    • Governance structures and policies, including in relation to data;
    • Ethical guidance; and
    • Future thinking
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    Generative AI can help your organsation and teams be more productive, efficient and creative. But what are you going to do right now? We can help:

    • Leading Design Thinking sessions enhanced by Generative AI to develop new products, services and processes that will meet customer needs;
    • Incorporating generative AI into workflows through user journy mapping, service blueprinting and design sprints; and
    • Prioritising and planning.
  • Services

    Transformation, innovation and future proofing

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    Training, Workshops and webinars

    Develop the future-ready mindset of your team

    We run bespoke workshops and webinars online and offline including:

    - How to build generative AI into your workflow

    - Adaptive Leadership for the Digital Age

    - Innovation and change

    - Design Thinking

    - Behavioural Economics and Design

    - Design Fiction/Useful Fiction

    - Agile Scenario Planning

    - Building a Culture for the Digital Age

    - Storytelling in the Digital Age

    - How to Plan for an Uncertain Future

    Please ask if you have particular requirements.

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    Inspiring, challenging and energising audiences.

    Keynotes can be delivered on online platforms or at events and topics include: emerging technologies, future thinking, digital and physical world balance and can be industry-specific.


    Recent keynotes include events with Air New Zealand, Zendesk, Vodafone, Shell, Sainsbury's, Google, Harvey Nash, Zurich Financial, Content Marketing Association, Econsultancy, isportconnect, Platforum and Marketing Week Live.

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    Tech Safaris

    Meet the companies and people at the leading edge

    Meet innovative companies anywhere in the world to gain answers, inspiration and partnerships.


    We organise tech safaris to meet companies at the leading edge of technology across the world. These can be run online allowing you to travel the world from your office or face-to-face.


    Most recent: Air New Zealand meeting insight tech companies in London. Find out more here.

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    Innovation consultancy and prototyping

    Consultancy for the digital age involves moving fast and building things

    We provide consultancy on a range of different issues related to transformation, innovation and change in a digital age. This includes such timely topics as the implementation of generative AI from a technological, governance and data perspective.


    We believe in a practical approach to digital, so as well as talking about digital culture, we can build prototypes and help you adopt agile and lean methodologies so you can transform your business and culture fast.

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    Executive coaching

    Helping leaders make sense of the uncertain future

    We work with seniorexecutives to help them make sense of the uncertain future of exponential
    change and, in that context, lead their teams effectively.


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    Helping you realise your remarkable potential.

    We are the founder's friend. Working with entrepreneurs, leaders and their teams to help them realise their remarkable potential. Includes advice for launch, growth and exit. Current clients include Deliberate PR and Liveminds.

  • Clients

    Helping some of the world's biggest and best to innovate in a digital world: from large companies, to disruptive entrepreneurs, to forward thinking organisations.

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    Astra Zeneca

    Design Thinking and Design Fiction

    Helping teams innovate now and for the future through workshops introducing structured frameworks to get purposeful and powerful ideas in motion.

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    Innovation Events

    Running face-to-face and online events and workshops with leadership teams regarding Leadership of Innovation and Change. Hosting a series of Innovation Events for 500 tax accountants to help them develop an innovation mindset.

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    Air New Zealand

    Leading technology safaris to introduce Air New Zealand to companies at the leading edge of emerging technologies.

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    "The future is exciting. Ready?" Martin Talks spoke at the new global brand launch in Budapest, Hungary.

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    Leadership workshops

    Leading a series of workshops exploring what leadership means in an increasingly digital world both from company and individual points of view.

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    'Emotional Intelligence in a time of Artificial Intelligence'. Keynote at Zendesk's Relate Live event in New York.

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    Culture Workshop

    Digital transformation is about people rather than technology. You do need the right technology and processes, but the right mindset is the key to unlocking digital's potential.

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    TGI Fridays

    Future proofing

    We helped TGI Friday's plan what technology it wishes to introduce to its restaurants in the next few years. What is right for one company, is not right for another. It requires alignment to the company's Purpose. So we created a technology manifesto to help filter current and future technologies.

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    Virtual reality

    We enabled students and their parents, whilst still being in China, to walk around Student.com's accommodation in London. We did this through the power of virtual reality and gave away branded 10x Spex VR viewers at student fairs in China to make this happen. The results were very exciting with multiple activations of the VR app per VR viewer.

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    Digital transformation in healthcare

    Mundipharma is interested in healthcare beyond the pill. We looked at the use of wearable technology in key sectors of interest and explored the future of healthcare. We then participated in a company event in Milan where the findings were presented to the Board and discussed.

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    Digital governance

    It's great when an organisation is enthusiastic about digital transformation. But sometimes this can lead to chaos as individual units all initiate their own projects. We advised on creating a digital governance structure to bring order to the multiple digital projects being run in a complex organisation.

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    Mindfulness in business

    Effective leadership in a digital age is not about working longer, faster, harder. Mindfulness training was provided to a senior team at PWC in order to build resilience and effectiveness in the context of busy work lives in the distracting digital age.

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    Yesss Electrical

    Leadership in a digital world

    We ran a two-day workshop with the senior management team to get everyone excited about digital transformation, fluent in digital terminology and equipped with short, medium and long term plans to generate revenue and save costs.

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    Regulatory change

    Helping Camelot and the Gambling Commission work together to tackle regulatory challenges caused by rapid changes of customer expectation in an increasingly digital world.

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    Deliberate PR


    Helping a fast growing and exciting PR company focused on technology companies, to manage its growth, inspire its staff and maintain its momentum.

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    Digital trends expert for Google's learning programme, Squared. We also lead webinars on the new Customer Journey, Innovation and the impact of digital.

  • Thoughts

    An eclectic range of thoughts about future thinking

      Fiction need not just be entertainment - it can be a tool that energises real-world innovation. Companies can use the imaginative power of fiction writing to inspire bold ideas and push the boundaries of what's possible. Take Tesla's robots and vehicles, for example, that have been said to...
    As we accelerate into Year 2 of the Generative AI Revolution, it's crucial for companies to put in place an effective AI Transformation Programme. You won’t lose business to Generative AI, but you will lose business to companies whose emplyees are effectively using Generative AI. It may be your...
    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE After months…weeks… a day…. of tireless exploration and study, it is with both pride and a touch of exasperation that we introduce to the scientific community and the world at large a new species that will undeniably reconfirm our current low estimation of machine...
    More Posts
  • The Team

    Meet the Matomico Team

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    Innovation and change are Martin's specialities, applying learnings from his own entrepreneurial experiences, global consultancy work and science fiction writing. Learn more about the Matomico founder here.

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    One of the best designers in the business of interaction. A specialist in working with technology to deliver more creative outputs and better business outcomes.

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    Dr Izzy PhD is a lecturer, researcher and consultant at Oxford University. We are delighted to have access to her expertise in AI ethics, values and justice as well as knowledge of innovative research and policy projects.

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    Content and prompt engineer. Generative AI is taking the world by storm, and is already revolutionising disciplines from content generation to UX to SEO. Learning to work with this technology involves understanding that questions are more important than answers.

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    Data specialist and in particular passionate advocate of leveraging data within businesses and wider ecosytems by making it FAIR; Finadable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.

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    Life admin and creative support, Sarah keeps the Matomico time machine in working order.

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    Rumoured to be the silent genius behind Matomico with an unerring nose for the latest trends, technologies and tasty treats. Your competitors will fear her bark and her bite.

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    Technology is a vital co-worker at Matomico. Cobot is brilliant at data processing, content generation, playing poker and much more. Doesn't make much tea though yet ...

  • Let's have a cuppa

    We'd love to hear from you

  • Meet the founder

    Martin Talks

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    The only way is up!

    A future-ready leader, Martin Talks provides inspiration and consultancy to help companies and their people be future proofed and thrive in a fast-changing world. He is a regular keynote speaker at global events, in webinars and on television (BBC, Sky, Channel 5). He is a Digital Trends expert for Google and also provides advice to a range of companies and organisations around the world. His background is as an entrepreneur who listed an online shares company on the London Stock Exchange and founded and sold a global digital marketing agency. He is author of the science fiction novel Blinky's Law.


    "To thrive in the future, you need to change your view of reality, change your mindset, and liberate yourselves from the ordinary." Martin Talks


    He'd love to meet you, so do get in contact.


    Find out more at www.martintalks.com 


  • Reports

    We spend time understanding the very latest in trends and thinking about the future and publish reports on key topics.

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    Developing Future Strategy: Long-term thinking for marketers

    This report covers both the ‘why?’ and the ‘how to’ plan for the future in a rapidly changing digital landscape ripe with disruption.

    This report argues that now, more than ever, it is crucial that marketers consider and have opinions on the long-term future to ensure they are agile, informed and prepared for any major shifts in their sector, customer expectations and society at large. It also ensures that their organisations are prepared should seemingly futuristic technologies suddenly accelerate forward and become a contemporary reality, bringing with them disruption and opportunity.


    Examples and case studies throughout.


    By Martin Talks Available via Econsultancy.

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    To survive and thrive in the AI revolution

    It would be true to say that Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of technology that has suffered from over-hyping and confusing language, but clarity is finally developing.


    We are seeing companies using the sub-set of AI called Machine Learning (ML) to delve deeper into their data to increase efficiency, gain a greater competitive advantage and boost their bottom lines. But.the most successful brands also realise that to achieve these business goals they need to focus on customer experience. And ML definitely offers opportunities for new experiences.


    Report published through Econsultancy.


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    How digital technology and neuroscience can be used to create more customer-centric organisations. Welcome to the matrix and beyond.

    The traditional purchase funnel is no longer an adequate model for marketers, with customer behavior becoming less linear and predictable. This research introduces the Customer Journey Matrix as a tool for planning marketing activities and thinking about how emerging technology can be successfully harnessed by retailers.

    In this report, we also consider how findings from the fields of behavioral economics and neuroscience can inform how digital marketers can optimize the customer journey.


    The report sections include the following:

    • How customer decision journeys have been looked at in the past
    • Changes to the customer journey brought about by digital
    • New technologies that could further disrupt how brands interact with customers
    • The psychology of decision making
    • New strategies for the retail environment where physical and virtual realities blur

    Examples and case studies throughout.

    By Martin Talks. Available via ClickZ.

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    This report will demystify the world of artificial intelligence and give you practical information on how AI can be used in marketing now and in the future.

    A comprehensive report on AI and how it can be used in marketing.

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is quickly establishing itself as a field of great potential value to business and marketers.


    This 34-page report spells out how marketers can benefit from developments in AI, while helping you to develop your point of view on this fascinating subject.


    Report author Martin Talks, an expert in digital transformation and emerging technology, demystifies what is actually meant by artificial intelligence, and how organisations across different sectors can start to approach different use cases.

    What you will learn from the report:

    • A short history of AI
    • AI predictions
    • Why all the excitement about artificial intelligence now?
    • Barriers to adoption
    • AI solutions for marketing
    • How to approach AI
    • Implications for marketers

    Examples and case studies throughout.

    By Martin Talks. Available via ClickZ.

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    This report will demystify the world of virtual reality and explain how it can form part of your marketing ecosystem.

    The boundaries between what we have known as ‘reality’ and ‘virtual reality’ are rapidly collapsing. An experience online is as meaningful to many as an experience in the physical world. And both can interact with each other.

    Virtual reality allows people to experience a brand’s offering in a real and visceral way that other media cannot equal. It can transport people to a stadium, a holiday destination or a shop. It can do this with animation or real video. It can even do this in real-time with live streaming. The possibilities for selling experiences, educating and entertainment are endless.


    Examples and case studies throughout.

    By Martin Talks. Available via Econsultancy. 

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    This report will demystify the world of wearable technology, give you an overview of the current state of wearables in key markets and explain how your company can succeed in the wearable space.

    It will explain wearables’ part of the trend towards ubiquitous computing, including how it relates to mobile, Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing and big data. Above all it will reveal the formula for success in an increasingly wearable world.


    Examples and case studies throughout.


    By Martin Talks. Available via Econsultancy.

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    This report will demystify the world of the Internet of Things in a way that marcoms professionals and the C-Suite will find accessible, useful and relevant.

    It will explain IoT's part of the trend towards ubiquitous computing, including how it relates to mobile, wearables, cloud computing and big data. Above all it will reveal the formula for success in an increasingly connected world.


    Examples and case studies throughout.


    By Martin Talks. Available via Econsultancy.